Important Announcement: Don Cornelius the Soul Train icon has committed suicide.
I guess you folks heard about the "Gasland Journalist" ordered to be arrested by the GOP House Representatives. The GOP does not believe in the Constitution, let alone understand or know what it says. No surprise there. But look at it this way, they're giving you a preview of what it would be like if they get back in power.
Why would they not want to the public to know? Think about it, they want to end the Environmental Department. GOP wants to end certain agencies. But their ulterior motives are to silence them while they make the environment unhealthy and unsafe. Education is also on the list because they want Americans to be uneducated and ignorant.
I was thinking out the box and Beyonce song "Let Me Cater To You" came to mind. There is another way that song can be applied. Yup! The GOP party caters to the rich. They want to fetch the rich's slippers and run their bath water. In other words, they want to bend over backwards to please the fat cats by making their wallets bulge while the middleclass and poor suffer.
Face it folks the GOP party are strung out on rich folks. They are the House of Representatives for the rich and the rest of "We the people" can get lost. They don't mind messing up the environment if the rich say so. The GOP party did not mind messing up the Global economy, since it was in the riches favor.
Just imagine how it would be with more Supreme Court Judges like Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, Alito on the Supreme Court bench. The GOP activist judges who rule in favor of GOP policies like the ruling they made on political contributions.
Romney said that he is not concerned about the majority of people. He needs a wake up call on the majority of people's economic status because it is not the rich or the middleclass. I guess he didn't read the memo about poverty rose back when they had a GOP President.
Boehner does not feel any compassion for you homeowners who got played by the banks in the mortgage scam.
As has been noted, the GOP party only cares about catering to the rich.
Weekend Open Thread
Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend, fully vaccinated
and boosted, with family and friends. That new booster shot has been
approved and...
4 hours ago
Granny why haven't you mentioned anything about Atlanta Jewish Times? I sent you a link like you asked me to.
BTW, Romney cares about the poor and the middle class. When he becomes President it will be the best thing that has happened to us. Obama hasn't done a damn thing for us except cause black unemployment to rise to the highest level in history of America.
Why are quoting a slaveholder Granny?
You got it all wrong Granny. It's the Conservative judges who are strict constructionists, who follow what the Constitution actually says.
Liberal judges are the ones who are "activist" and rule based on what they 'feel' is right rather than what the law says.
"Fox apparently had applied for credentialing the day before the hearing but had been unable to obtain official permission to film."
Well, that's that Granny. Those Gasland idiots didn't have permission, but they tried to break in anyway. I hope the cops gave them a good beating before they threw them in jail.
There is absolutely nothing environmentally damaging about fracking. Everytime somebody comes up with some real way to get energy, some damn moonbats are trying to stop them.
Get out of the way, or get run over, I say.
And I thought you hated Fox anyway, Granny. You're always talking how you want to shut them down. I'd think you'd be happy to see them arrested. There's no pleasing some people, I guess.
Piney Joe, can you read? Fox is the man's last name. You know that part of the name that's called a surname and family's last name. Smh!
BTW, Trolls, I'm shutting down the blog. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. But it is catch 22 to it, I'm moving it to disqus.
Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it.
Do you have proof that President Obama is the cause of black unemployment? Funny, how you blame him for companies not hiring black people as if he is the one that selects the job applications, or does interviewing, and hiring. Puleeeese! I guess you think that he writes out the checks and does time cards as well, huh? Smh!
Shabizzo, I wanted to be fair and give the GOP party someone they could relate too. Don't want them to feel left out or discriminated against. :)
There are gone be some changes made pretty soon, so trolls have fun while you can. Yessiree buddy!
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Piney Joe, can you read? Fox is the man's last name.
Yes I can read Granny! What do you think he named his network after? He used his last name: Fox.
And why do you have to shut down the blog just because you are moving? Don't they have the internet in Disqus? I'm pretty sure they have the internet by now in Iowa.
"Why are quoting a slaveholder Granny?"
Good point, considering it IS Black History Month. I swear, you folks in Oakland are some lost souls.
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
dear granny, please tell me why no one wrote about it. Seriously, I really don't understand.
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now. Right Granny?
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
"She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?"
She did check it out in a way she understood which is why she didn't write about it. If she had checked it out and did not understand it now she would have blogged about it.
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
"She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?"
"She did check it out in a way she understood which is why she didn't write about it. If she had checked it out and did not understand it now she would have blogged about it."
So if she hadn't understood it she would have blogged about it even if no one wrote about it? Or if she did understand it after checking it out and someone did write about it she would intend to blog about it too?
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
"She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?"
"She did check it out in a way she understood which is why she didn't write about it. If she had checked it out and did not understand it now she would have blogged about it."
"So if she hadn't understood it she would have blogged about it even if no one wrote about it? Or if she did understand it after checking it out and someone did write about it she would intend to blog about it too?"
It is my understanding that she did understand it after checking it out which is why she didn't blog about it because no one wrote about it. She would intend to blog about it if someone had written about it or if she didn't understand it.
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
"She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?"
"She did check it out in a way she understood which is why she didn't write about it. If she had checked it out and did not understand it now she would have blogged about it."
"So if she hadn't understood it she would have blogged about it even if no one wrote about it? Or if she did understand it after checking it out and someone did write about it she would intend to blog about it too?"
"It is my understanding that she did understand it after checking it out which is why she didn't blog about it because no one wrote about it. She would intend to blog about it if someone had written about it or if she didn't understand it."
I understand that she understands it after checking it out, and the reason she did not blog about was because no one wrote about it, but if someone does write about now will she then intend to blog about it?
"Anonymous, no I did not blog about it and do not intend to because I checked it out and understand now why no one wrote about it."
"I think she meant she was going to blog about it because no one wrote about it but now she is not going to blog about it because no one wrote about it. This is because she understands it now."
"She understands not to blog about it because no one wrote about it? If she had checked it out and someone had wrote about it in a way she understood would she then have blogged about it?"
"She did check it out in a way she understood which is why she didn't write about it. If she had checked it out and did not understand it now she would have blogged about it."
"So if she hadn't understood it she would have blogged about it even if no one wrote about it? Or if she did understand it after checking it out and someone did write about it she would intend to blog about it too?"
"It is my understanding that she did understand it after checking it out which is why she didn't blog about it because no one wrote about it. She would intend to blog about it if someone had written about it or if she didn't understand it."
"I understand that she understands it after checking it out, and the reason she did not blog about was because no one wrote about it, but if someone does write about now will she then intend to blog about it?"
I believe she would blog about it if someone wrote about it or if she checked it out some more and then did not understand it even if no one wrote about it.
Can you recall the the November 2010 election when the public voted in the Tea Party to congress the extreme radical state governors: Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, just to name a few. Can you imagine if they had presidents like: Romney or Gingrich or Santorum or Palin or Cain to name a few. Yes, we must continue to let our voices be heard and get out and vote these radical corporate loving non loving American retugs out of our system.
You are right, Bill. We need to take this next election, then we can tax the rich like they should be taxed, and put these corporations out of business. We need a nation where everyone is in a union and working for the government. Only this way can we achieve true fairness.
okay, I see we have some trolls that want me to hush. Well, that's not gone happen. Nevertheless, I came up with an idea. Yup! It's a surprise.
Will there be cake, Granny?!?!?
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