Why do some in the media like to help fortify racial stereotypes of black women? I happened to stop by at Huffingtonpost and this picture caught my eye more than the title itself. Nonetheless, it wasn’t so much the title that I had a problem with. It was the images they chose to
represent the title.
This is how ALL blacks were transformed into welfare recipients, a whole group of people looking for handouts, although that was a myth. Nope, I take that back it was an outright lie! Images of black women was the old “welfare queen” trick used by Ronald Reagan to drum up negative opinions and attack black women, attaching a negative stigma to them in the process. But more so Reagan used it to stir up negative sentiments towards poor people, which resulted in selfishness and cold heartedness in the charity department. Yup, they want to eliminate help for the poor. It works every time.
However, what disturbs me the most is that the photo taken transmits a negative stereotype message on purpose. The best way to end help for the poor is to post a picture with black women holding babies. Nothing scares white folks more than a bunch of black babies being born. For example, Benjamin Franklin stated, “…Why should we…darken its people? Why increase the Sons of Africa?” Translation: Those black men might start mixing with our pure lilywhite women. You know how those insatiable black men can’t keep their pants zipped up. Those black men love to…
In the first place, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson stipulated from the beginning that they did not want people of color to share in the new republic’s prosperity; both played a part in reinforcing racist views and birthing those views into white society. For example, Benjamin Franklin stated, “…Why should we…darken its people? Why increase the Sons of Africa, by planting them in America, where we have so fair an opportunity.” Heaven forbid letting those lazy black folks have a penny. Nothing boils white folks blood more than a black person with a penny.
From Jefferson and Franklin’s hypocritical viewpoint, people of color were alright to sleep with, but sharing in the wealth or equality that was a horse of a different color. I wonder what Sally Hemmings thought about Jefferson’s deadbeat dad ways and if Franklin acknowledged his mulatto offspring. Jefferson and Franklin both remind me of D.J. Quick and those so-called God-fearing rightwing folks.
Ultimately, the picture is to drum up stereotypical judgment not just against those women in the picture, but ALL black women and to rally up enough favor with dominant white society to eliminate help for the poor. The sad thing is that poverty does not discriminate and if people would take time to do the math, there are more poor whites in America than people of color. People of color make up a small margin of America’s population; therefore, they make up as sliver of the poor.
I bet not very many people who saw this picture stopped to think that; maybe, those women’s husbands are in Iraq or Afghanistan or anything positive.