I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. In spite of the lost of one of my dearest friends, my Christmas turned out okay. Today, I received some good news regarding my other friend. She will be coming home soon and is doing well, so that’s a blessing. I’m feeling somewhat okay today.
This has been one rollercoaster; imaginary post-racial, republican court jester’s debate, citizen protesting year. For the party of NO, it has been their defining moment of obstruction after obstruction in getting what needs to be done—undone or rather blocked from getting done. Let’s not forget the rich getting richer, while the poor are getting poorer. I’m sure that a lot of struggling folks out there won’t forget them come election time.
This particular story is one that really caught my eye:
“A 93-year-old Tennessee woman, who cleaned the state Capitol for 30 years, including the governor’s office, says she won’t be able to vote for the first time in decades after being told this week that her old state ID failed to meet new voter ID regulations.”
“Thelma Mitchell was even accused of being an undocumented immigrant because she couldn’t produce a birth certificate:”
“Mitchell, who was delivered by a midwife in Alabama in 1918, has never had a birth certificate. But when she told that to a drivers’ license clerk, he suggested she might be an illegal immigrant.”
“Thelma Mitchell told WSMV-TV that she went to a state drivers’ license center last week after being told that her old state ID from her cleaning job would not meet new regulations for voter identification.” ~~Marie Diamond, Think Progress~~
Some folks are really longing for those good old Jim Crow days their elders told them about. They do not want to share the American pie politically, economically, or socially. Like Mitchell, there were a lot of black people born during Jim Crow that do not have a birth certificate. Blacks were refused hospital services and had to depend on midwives, homemade remedies, and even animal doctors for medical attention thanks to Jim Crow.
My grandparents did not have birth certificates. To show proof of their birth, they had to use censuses, bibles, and church documents. My great-great grandmother was a midwife as well as a substitute doctor when folks got sick. She used different herbs and trees to cure different illnesses and they worked better than a lot of the pharmaceutical drugs they overwhelm us with today that cause side effects.
Nevertheless, if the Republicans win the elections, misery and destitution will consume America like a flood.
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1 day ago
Dear Granny, I am so glad you are back but sorry about your friend who passed away. Hope your Xmas was good and your New Year will be prosperous, peaceful, and healthy.
"Nevertheless, if the Republicans win the elections, misery and destitution will consume America like a flood."
Granny, I think you are being too negative about Republicans and what will happen when Romney becomes President. Don't worry, things will be just fine. Please pass this info on, esp to BD--who desperately needs to hear this....poor soul.
Welcome back Granny! You never lied with this one;
"Nevertheless, if the Republicans win the elections, misery and destitution will consume America like a flood."
I wonder what part of that don't voters understand? The last time republiklans were in control we had 911, sent our troops to two wars, gave the rich a tax cut, increased the deficit three fold, massive unemployment, massive mortgage foreclosures, the loss of a major American City (New Orleans), spying on Americans without a warrant, outting and under cover CIA agent, and having to take our shoes off at the airport, just to name a few.
Should read outting an undercover CIA agent and I forgot to add Karl Rove politics and Scooter Libby justice.
"Nevertheless, if the Republicans win the elections, misery and destitution will consume America like a flood."
Rev. Wright revisited (Wright told America that it was due for a "chickens come home to roost" moment.) as Americans are preparing for a Republican redux.
If Republicans overtake the White House and Congress, it will constitute a death wish, and a self-inflicted blow from which this country may never recover.
Redeye is right: Who do the people of this nation believe brought them all this economic misery? And they want to continue the pain by giving the government back to those who inflicted it in the first place.
I call that a "death wish." The nation is free-falling, but it still can't find the will to pull the cord on the parachute of its salvation.
A thought provoking post.
Mitt is indecisive. His decision skills change like California weather. Believe me, sunny California is a myth. We have guess what today weather that changes daily.
The American people are suffering from post traumatic stress from 9/11 and economical. When folks are stressed out, their logic is unstable. It's almost like they would rather believe a lie than the truth, but in a sense they cannot help it.
"If Republicans overtake the White House and Congress, it will constitute a death wish, and a self-inflicted blow from which this country may never recover."
Exactly, and everything Redeye said. I tried to warn people when we had the last elections that if they let the Republicans get back in control of anything it would be all bad, but they didn't hear me. This coming election is gone be the real fight for our lives. Heaven forbid if they let Ron Paul get in there. He is a sly, old school, dangerous man. His son let the cat out the bag how he really feels about Civil Rights. Make no mistake they mean it and those newsletters expressed how he really felt in his heart. He knew about them and wrote them and he is also affiliated with CCC.
Well, well, well. Looks like Romney is going to be the next President of the USA! Now that is what I call "HOPE" and "CHANGE".
Anonymous said..."Looks like Romney is going to be the next President of the USA! Now that is what I call "HOPE" and "CHANGE"."
And that's exactly what it's going to take to pull off that small miracle.
This is a bullshit story Granny, anyone can get a free ID to vote. The democrats just want keep stealing elections through voter fraud. There is no other reason to oppose voter ID laws.
Black Diapera said...
"Redeye is right: Who do the people of this nation believe brought them all this economic misery?
Anyone with sense knows it was the democrats, with spending through the roof since Pelosi/Reid took over in 2006, and into the stratosphere since the Marxist Obama was elected in 2008.
It was the democrat CRA and democrat Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused the financial crisis.
Obama has extended this recession through his utter mismanagement of the nation. He is a disaster and will go down as the worst president in American history. I hope he is tried for treason some day.
The Republicans will own both houses of congress and the White house after the next election. Good times will return, and the democrat party will be out of power for a generation.
There’s something profoundly tragic about the failed presidency of Barack Obama. He was supposed to be a new kind of president, a man who embodied hope and would transcend petty politics and even race. Instead, we’re left with a downgraded America that is stagnating under the weight of its bloated government. As tragic as that alone is, even this is but a mere symptom of Mr. Obama’s larger fundamental failure: He simply does not trust the Americans who entrusted him with the presidency.
Mr. Obama may care deeply for his vision of America, but he believes in only one thing: Barack Obama. And you are not Barack Obama.
Rotten Acorn said...
The Fact Jack said...
The Sacred Halfrican said...
"Obama-Biden 2012"
The Fact Jack said..."It was the democrat CRA and democrat Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that caused the financial crisis."
Obama-Biden 2012
Fact check is not a credible site.
Anonymous said...
"Fact check is not a credible site."
It's a heap better site than the sight of you making a fool of yourself.
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