I do not plan to quit blogging and don’t know what would give y’all that idea. The trolls don’t faze me! My reason for not wanting a lot of mess on my blog is so that people could come and read or discuss in an intelligent manner instead of a lot of distractions with name-calling and disrespect. Other than that, my reason for shutting down this blog is so I can move it to another blog forum. However, it will take me a few weeks because I have to find one that is compatible with the design of this one and set it up. Moreover, I am having some work done to my office space, which will take a few days, so it will be a slight delay. Other than that, Granny will be around for a while. BTW, I haven't been able to check my email in a couple of months, which I'm sure will be a job and a half when I do get to check it. So, I was not ignoring anyone. Also, to those of you who have asked me to post something for you, I haven't forgot about y'all either and will do that as soon as I get the other blog reestablished, especially the cancer post.
Open Thread | These Are the Republican Budget Priorities
CR. What someone wrote their elected representatives: Dear Senator
McSenatorFace, ...
1 day ago
Please say this does not mean you will not be blogging any more!!!
Even though blogging is not what it use to be,you are still needed Granny!
Granny, don't let inane commenters like Redeye drive you away from blogging. Most people express sincere opinions on your site. You generate great discussions on important topics. The blogging community would be a poorer place without your unique perspective. Please hang in there.
Do you mean "Closed" forever, or just closed on March 5? It seems to me that you owe an explanation to your loyal readers and followers.
Are you ill and cannot blog anymore? First BD gave up and now you?
If I'm not mistaken, I believe Granny once blogged about moving to another platform or blogger site or whatever it's called. I may be wrong and it wasn't her, but I think I remember that post. I certainly hope so, because as everyone has said, her point of view is unique and right on the money, and while I may not comment I always read her.
Granny, not trying to tell you what to do, or not do, but the best way to deal with Trolls is to ignore them. They thrive on attention. Moving to another forum won't help. You can run but you can't hide from them. Let them post. Let them define themselves. Let them reveal who/what they really are for the whole world to see and know.
PS You also have the power to DELETE offensive comments.
@Letta: I see what you mean about Redeye. She always attacks other commenters instead of advancing the discussion. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like her out there and you just have to live with their presence. I deal with it by just scrolling past.
Anyway, that's great news Granny, and I'm looking forward to the new blog!
"Anyway, that's great news Granny, and I'm looking forward to the new blog!"
See what I mean? You can run but you can't hide from them.
Redeye said...
"See what I mean? You can run but you can't hide from them."
What's wrong with giving Granny props? I and apparently a lot of others love this blog. Don't you have your own blog to post at if you want to complain?
Let's try to keep this civil and positive, please. That childish behavior probably drives Granny crazy.
@ CM:
I love this blog too! What is great is how Granny allows the give and take of different opinions but still keeps things under control. Sites like the "Redeye" blog don't allow any comments that don't just echo the blog post. That kind of thing is just stultifying and creepy.
I am very glad Granny will be setting up a new shop soon. Hope you are well Granny and God Bless.
Granny, why can't you keep this one while setting up the new one? I am getting old and could be dead in a couple of months. Did you ever think about that?
Didn't I see you at Soul's the other day? Don't lie. I know it was you.
It's too quiet around here! I checked out the Redeye blog and westin's take is spot-on. I wish there were more blogs like this one out there. I have wanted to start a blog myself, but just I don't have the time. So while I wish Granny was posting more, I can appreciate why she might need a break. Granny is probably very busy with her personal life.
I would be interested in her take on whether contraception should be provided free for everyone.
Looking forward to your new blog, Granny!
Me too Dr. Reine! Granny don't let the haterz like Redeye get you down! You have a lot of fans out here!
Granny, did you hear Obama was going to get impeached? What are we going to do?
Well I hope this "Redeye" person is happy. I bet she was just trying to steal people away to her blog. Well not me! I miss Granny's homespun wisdom. Please come back!
Redeye is a racist, a hater. There is no comparison between her site and Granny's.
Granny has always been open to the truth, wherever she finds it. She is also a genuinely decent person, who tries to do right by everybody. That's rare these days. I hope she takes up blogging again.
Granny - I still love you and there is nothing that you can do about it - despite our staunch ideological differences.
My only argument is that at some point the "Activist" that has gained sufficient ground over Black community Institutions must at some point be forced BY THE RANK & FILE to PRODUCE the results that they compelled the people to make investments via these promises.
Now the pictures are all gone! This is all Redeye's fault, I bet. she is the one who hijacked Granny's account. Can't the police do something about this?
The pictures are back! Granny has gotten control of her blog again. Now Redeye will be sorry.
Granny, is that a picture of you sleeping on that piece of cardboard?
Are you OK?
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