Lately, I've been hearing a lot of Zimmerman's supporters complaining that none of the pictures of Trayvon are recent. Okay, so I decided to post a recent picture of Trayvon taken a few weeks before he was MURDERED.
This is the young man that Zimmerman's supporters have labeled a thug and big scary looking black dude. He looks like an average teenager. I don't know too many young males that put on a suit and tie to go to the store in the rain, unless they work in a office and are on their way to work.
Heck, I guess I would look suspicious to Zimmerman if he saw me in my housecleaning gear. Yep, head rag, sweats or jeans, big baggy T-shirt, a HOODIE, and flipflops. I pay good money for my clothes and I'm not about to mess them up mopping, dusting, and scrubbing. Leave it to Beaver's mom was full of dung.
Evidently, Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly must think that black young boys should wear a suit and tie. It's okay for everybody else to wear hoodies, except black people because they look like thugs if they wear one. So, my two-year great-grandchild is a thug because HOODIES mean black people are thugs. Geraldo and Bill are full of dung too. Granny--->giving both of them major eye rollage!
It's a few things wrong with that going by appearances, innocent people are targeted and wind up dead. Because according to Geraldo's stereotype, all BLACK males are SCARY. It wouldn't matter if Trayvon had been dressed in a suit.
Nope! Because they would find something wrong with that. There was a time when all Black males dressed in slacks and suits, but that didn't stop them from being harrassed by the police or stereotyped. So, should black males just wear their birthday suits and call it a day?
Has Geraldo or Bill looked in the mirror lately? I mean since we're judging people by their appearance someone should tell them how they look. Geraldo looks pretty scary himself with that ridiculous mustache.
And Lord knows if they can stand the sight of Jesse Lee Peterson...I'm just saying. Peterson could audition for a part in a monster flick and they wouldn't even have to apply any makeup.
I don't cuss, but Geraldo and Bill can pluck themselves and the horse they rode in on!
Open Thread | They Are Coming for Women…..Misogyny – Full Throttle
“A woman is like a child”: MAGA quickly turns its sights on stripping
Republican women of power Conservative women believe complicity will save
them. But a...
1 day ago
Granny, "Heck, I guess I would look suspicious to Zimmerman if he saw me in my housecleaning gear. Yep, head rag, sweats or jeans, big baggy T-shirt, a HOODIE, and flipflops. I pay good money for my clothes and I'm not about to mess them up mopping, dusting, and scrubbing."
Granny, I always wondered what you did but was afraid to ask. Thanks for sharing what you did. I know you worked hard to put your kids and grandchildren through school.
Lol! Granny, I dress just like you at home. If I wear my good clothes, I will invariably stain then with something!
Sad but true. When one is a minority it matters not what we wear, we are always treated differently by the ruling class.
Until a few sort years ago, here in PR wearing sports clothes was taboo. The assumption being that you could not afford anything better than sneakers, even if they were $200 sneakers;) Ignorance s bliss!
Now, because of the fitness and health culture finally sinking in, things have changed, but not by much.
Anonymous, LOL! That's funny, but I am referring to cleaning my own house, not janitorial or cleaning someone else house. LOL!
I am retired, and yes I did work hard.
When I am home, I dress like that too. Plus it's no telling when one of my smaller grandkids will want to tell or ask me something and grab on my clothes to get my attention with their sticky hands, especially the ones that like those hot cheetos.
Granny and Desert, the way you dress at home is the reason men run on women. If you women were to dress sexy on a daily basis for your men, they would stay home.
Now I happen to know in PR there are some women who dress really hot! Unfortunately, they are not married. Do you two get my message?
The excuse justification used to be black males rapist, later on it changed to troublemakers & instigators and that changed to militants, now it's thugs.
In order to justify murder the victims are always painted as savages or monster.
All of the witnesses who supported Zimmerman stories have changed. I'm not surprised because Zimmerman's own story has changed several times. Nevertheless, they'll let him go because it's the American way when it involves people of color.
Anonymous said...
Granny and Desert, the way you dress at home is the reason men run on women. If you women were to dress sexy on a daily basis for your men, they would stay home.
Now I happen to know in PR there are some women who dress really hot! Unfortunately, they are not married. Do you two get my message?
Uh uh, the reason men run on women is because they're men! and in a patriarchal society they feel it is their right.
Hmmmm....and where exactly are these hot dressing unmarried women you know to be here in PR???
Please check your email.
Desert, "Hmmmm....and where exactly are these hot dressing unmarried women you know to be here in PR???"
They are all over the island. There's one next door to you. What's the matter, are you jealous? Well, you and Granny will just have to start dressing up to be competitive!
I've seen Granny here in Oakland going into restaurants with a dress down past her ankles and tennis shoes with no shoe laces! Now, how do you expect a bm to hang around for that? No sir. There are too many sistas that dress like they respect and want to be with a bm. Which is the way it should be!
One other thing: they don't talk back like you and Granny. You two must be eating some of your homemade cake laced with somethin to be doing that.
Anonymous 5:11:
LOL! You're a mess. LOL!
@anon: granny and I are both great dressers when we go out.
And I will remind you that what makes a woman beautiful is her mind ;)
Desert from the ipod
Please check your email.
May 24, 2012 11:49 AM
Granny I thought you said a while back there would be no "secrets" on your blog. So, what did SouthernGirl2 have to say? I have a feeling it was about me. That Girl never liked me, and I don't know why.
@anon: granny and I are both great dressers when we go out.
And I will remind you that what makes a woman beautiful is her mind ;)
Desert from the ipod
May 24, 2012 9:36 PM
I never knew that a mind is what makes a woman beautiful. I always thought it was other parts of her body that made her beautiful. It never dawned on me to check out her mind.
What's with the ipod bit? Are you trying to show off? I still use a cell phone.
It doesn't matter what you wear if you are black in America you are automatically a suspect.
Redeye, you are right. It's depressing. But let's be logical and rational about this. Why 'wouldn't' they be suspicious of us? It's been that way since slavery.
Anonymous said...
What's with the ipod bit? Are you trying to show off? I still use a cell phone.
When I have to use my daughters ipod, for some reason I can't log on to blogger, so I have to post as anonymous, and that's why I write 'Desert from the ipod'. I can't afford internet on my cell. it's just a plain cell.
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