If your looking for the GOP to work on getting Americans back to work? Well...keep looking, hoping, praying, ah hell, do not expect it. That is, unless you want to work for a paupers wages. How does sixty four cents an hour sound to you? Or maybe, just a few meager pennies more...
"Banister concluded China has about 38 million city manufacturing workers. The 30 million on whom she found data earn an average $1.06 an hour. Another roughly 71 million suburban and rural manufacturing workers earn an average 45 cents an hour, for a blended 64 cents. In the current BLS survey, Mexico's $2.48 hourly compensation is the lowest." ~~Bloomburg Business Week~~
Today, the GOP passed a bill in the House that would regress American wages back to antebellum times. If passed in the Senate, which I doubt very seriously, it would cause American's cars, furniture, etc., that are not paid for to be added to the repo list since the GOP does not consider the high cost of living in their so-called brillant ideas. Moreover, did it ever occur to those dimwitted GOP House Representatives that the cost of living is rising, not decreasing, and lower wages would send more Americans into poverty?
"Under this bill, if a company wants to bust a union by outsourcing its work to China, this bill permits it," Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) said on the House floor. "Working people across this country should pay careful attention to this bill. It takes away every working American’s rights."~~Huffingtonpost~~
Mitt Romney said that he would like someone like Dick Cheney for a VP. Now, if that don't beat all, I don't know what does. Evidently, Romney is in agreement with waterboarding, spying on citizens, and outing CIA agents, and shooting friends while on hunting trips. Jesus, Mary, Mother of Joseph! Well, that's to be expected since the GOP loves scraping the bottom of the slime bucket. Check out guide to bigotry.
I am so sick of those rightwing folks accusing the President of being a socialist. It would be in the rightwing and Teaparty folks best interest to invest in a dictionary to help them stop lying. Or at least go to the library. The definition of socialist is:
"Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods." ~~Merriam Webster Dictionary~~
Of course, I am not expecting any of those on the right to understand the definition of socialist since they all seem to have a high rate of incompetence in reading comprehension. Nevertheless, President Barack Obama is not guilty of their accusation. Well, one thing is for sure the revolution won't be televised because the camera crew will more than likely be participating in it after the GOP gets through rolling back wages to a paupers state.
Weekend Open Thread
Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend, fully vaccinated
and boosted, with family and friends. That new booster shot has been
approved and...
4 hours ago
"I am so sick of those rightwing folks accusing the President of being a socialist. "
What about the leftwing folks? Are you happy with them? Btw, where were they while all of those racist rightwing folks were trashing Obama? To me, it looks like Obama is by himself with little support.
Aren't you sick and tired of the leftwing non-supporters of Obama? It looks to me like there isn't a hell of a lot of difference between rightwingers and leftwingers...neither one is a supporter of Obama or black people.
"Evidently, Romney is in agreement with waterboarding, spying on citizens, and outing CIA agents, and shooting friends while on hunting trips. Jesus, Mary, Mother of Joseph!"
LOL. granny that is funny.
I love your pledge of Allegiance. It explains what capitalism is all about. God is dead under capitalism.
Anonymous 7:21:
It is not my pledge of Alliance, it's the GOP Party!
Anonymous 6:25:
Anonymous 6:21:
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
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