Before the President took office, he made some promises. Well, he has been trying to keep those promises in spite of strong opposition and all the distractions that have been thrown in his path. However, he cannot do it alone and that was something he made perfectly clear the day he won the elections. Americans are so fickle, impatient, most are mentally lazy, and have very short memories.
"The big arguments against the public option have been these: that the government is incapable of running an insurance plan, that the free-market provides consumers with better choices, that socialized insurance will have unfair advantages. But as Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David K. Johnston recently reported, these arguments do not stop some of the big opponents of socialized insurance for voting for socialized insurance when that insurance is not for the wellbeing of people but of property and insurance companies." ~~Heather--Crooksandliars~~
Day after day, we've been bombarded with false rumors and fear tactics from the GOP party, Insurance Companies, the rightwing pundits in MSM, and all of those who want the President to fail. None care that if he fails that means the American people fail. Therefore, the American people are fed BS on a daily basis. We gobble it up like it is the best desert or meal we've ever tasted in our lives. The MSM and GOP would have you to believe that President Obama has not done a darn thing since he has been in office, which has been only 10 months and eight days to be exact.
Okay, so let me refresh people's memory on what our President has done since taking office:
1. Greater funding for veteran healthcare
2. Increase funding for public education
3. Expansion of the earn Income tax credit
4. Tax credit for college student
5. Electric Grid infrastructure package
6. SCHIP pass & signed into law
7. Ledbetter bill pass & signed into law
8. disarmament talks with Russia re-started
9. worked on building America's image up with foreign countries
I'd say that is a pretty good start seeing how the last 40 something Presidents did not get that much accomplished in 4 years and it only took President Obama a few months to get that much done. But the President is a black man, so our American history of expecting way more out of blacks on the job as far as job performance goes than whites is expected and nothing new. No other group of minority people have had to deal with that or do they? I'm sure most of you black folks can relate to that.
Day after day, we've been bombarded with false rumors and fear tactics from the GOP party, Insurance Companies, the rightwing pundits in MSM, and all of those who want the President to fail. None care that if he fails that means the American people fail. Therefore, the American people are fed BS on a daily basis. We gobble it up like it is the best desert or meal we've ever tasted in our lives. The MSM and GOP would have you to believe that President Obama has not done a darn thing since he has been in office, which has been only 10 months and eight days to be exact.
Okay, so let me refresh people's memory on what our President has done since taking office:
1. Greater funding for veteran healthcare
2. Increase funding for public education
3. Expansion of the earn Income tax credit
4. Tax credit for college student
5. Electric Grid infrastructure package
6. SCHIP pass & signed into law
7. Ledbetter bill pass & signed into law
8. disarmament talks with Russia re-started
9. worked on building America's image up with foreign countries
I'd say that is a pretty good start seeing how the last 40 something Presidents did not get that much accomplished in 4 years and it only took President Obama a few months to get that much done. But the President is a black man, so our American history of expecting way more out of blacks on the job as far as job performance goes than whites is expected and nothing new. No other group of minority people have had to deal with that or do they? I'm sure most of you black folks can relate to that.
Black folks have always been expected to jump hoops and do way above and beyond on the job whereas whites can glide through doing barely anything and are promoted over blacks who have paid their dues,have senority,or have trained those same white folks on the job. BTW, the Ledbetter act, they've were fighting for equal pay for women when I was still in the workforce many years ago. So, that in itself was a great accomplishment.
Do you think that MSM will highlight our President's accomplishments? Nope, sad to say they won't not in post racial America. Instead, they will highlight all of the false rumors, the fear tactics, and BS. Will they highlight this?
"In a letter to Cigna chairman H. Edward Hanway this week, Rockefeller also accused Cigna and the other companies of keeping two sets of books: telling Wall Street investors they're spending less on medical care and pocketing the difference, while telling customers and regulators they're spending more."
Will they give it the coverage they do false rumors, fear tactics, and BS? Let me answer that question for you. Hell nah! Yeah, I said that! And? You got to start to wonder whose side MSM, the Senators, and GOP are on. Well, that's easy, they are on the side of profits. Matthew Yglesias made an interesting comment but it rings true as far as those out to make money go. He said:
In Scarface Tony Montana expresses his view that “In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power.” ~~Matthew Yglesias-Think Progress~~
Yeah, I hear ya Matt, but isn't that more in the line of the GOP way of thinking. I mean we did just go through eight years of Bushonomics and before that it was Reaganomics. Let's face it, that's how we got in the situation we're in today and the rich got richer while the poor got poorer. BTW, directing the majority of cast to the Republicans, that's not a good idea either. You see, they had this bad habit of robbing the poor and middleclass to give to the rich. It's that tranferring of money, the old switcher-roo game that I have a problem with because millions of "We the People" suffer and lose two of the basic mandatory necessities that everyone needs to survive, which is the Maslow hieraracy of needs--physiological and safety.
One man, Bill Moyers, with courage to stand up for what is right, that I can truly call a real journalist, had it right when he said this:
"There are no victimless crimes in politics. The price of corruption is passed on to you… Look back at the bulk of legislation passed by Congress in the past decade: an energy bill that gave oil companies huge tax breaks…; a bankruptcy “reform” bill written by credit card companies to make it harder for poor debtors…; the deregulation of the banking, securities, and insurance sectors, which led to rampant corporate malfeasance and greed and the destruction of the retirement plans of millions of small investors; the deregulation of the telecommunications sector, which led to… an undermining of news coverage; protection for rampant overpricing of pharmaceutical drugs"~~Bill Moyers~~
Moyers nailed it down to the letter with that description of how we got where we are now. But we tend to forget that and want to join the bandwagon of those who want the President to fail and go for any false rumor, tactic fear, or conspiracy theory those same folks that mean us no good can drum up and fall for it hook, line, and sinker.
It is time for change and it is, also, time for the American people to stop letting those up on Capitol Hill and the Health Insurance companies who don't have their health and well-being as a priority sell them fried ice cream. People whose only treasure is profits at the expense of others are not good merchants. Therefore, it is time for change and it is also time to wake up.
BTW, this is last topic that I'll be posting. My blog will be shut down after this topic. No more blogging for me, it's time for me to move on. Oops, I almost forgot to tell you good people about these folks here-->Ameritech Electronic Commerce. Now, I know why I kept getting viruses and had to reformat and reinstall constantly-->Ameritech. Looks like I am not the only one that was experiencing this problem with them sending a viruses to computer either. Shame on you Ameritech, you must be a Republican.
Bye bye and I wish all of you the best!