Don't worry people who voted for a Teabagger Republican House, the GOP got your back. Well...maybe, not your back...make that a trip to the cleaners planned for you. Of course with deregulations on the table too, well...the thick smog's benefit to you is that you won't be able to see what hit you.
Bigot...oops, I mean, Representative Steve King plans to make brown people's life a living hell. Yup, he has quite a few crosses to burn with them. Other names on his cross burning list include Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano. European immigrants are exempt and not included on his cross burning list. His list only applies to "nonwhite" immigrants and "Liberals." King needs to be watched real close because I think he is a little color stroke and crazier than a road lizard.
"Terrorists would be "dancing in the streets" if Obama was elected. Then on Monday night he took to the House floor and said that it's easy to tell the illegal immigrants from legal Americans -- the illegal immigrants dress badly."~~House Rep. Steve King~~
Like father like son! Rand Paul, Kentucky's newly elected teabagger’s overseer...oops, I mean GOP Senator has a few plans of his own and is raring to pop his whip passed down to him from his great-great grandpappy that is after he and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell settle their dispute on who is running the GOP Senate Plantation.
When oh when is Michael Steele going to wake up and realize that peeling your lips back to show your teeth and jigging for the Massa does not mean equal status in Massa's eyesight. That chicken, collard greens, and watermelon strategy wasn't such a good idea either. Did he miss the memo that Negroes moved off the Plantation and don't have to steal Massa's chickens no more? Massa Rush appears to be having another one of his dope addict flashbacks and forgot that he sent Steele to the back of the bus a few months ago.
The GOP reminded Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin that it's best to leave leading up to the men, which is polite way of telling them that they are not very bright and missing a few chromosomes. The GOP doesn't mind them birthing their BS, poison, bigotry, and divisiveness babies into the population, but leadership positions are out of the question. Thank you Jesus!
Come January people need to get a ringside seat and tune into CSPAN, watch the House of Representatives and Senate in action. CSPAN offers an unedited version that’s not polluted, full of bias opinions, and deception that is being fed to people these days. That’s if you want to be truly informed so that you can make good decisions. You can rotate back and forth between the channel for House and the channel for Senate.
Weekend Open Thread
Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend, fully vaccinated
and boosted, with family and friends. That new booster shot has been
approved and...
7 hours ago
Anonymous 4:34:
Is your comment your way of showing brotherly love towards black people?
Love your title Granny! I wonder when the republiklans are going to start creating millions of new jobs?
Granny, "Is your comment your way of showing brotherly love towards black people?"
Yes. Truth is love.
"I wonder when the republiklans are going to start creating millions of new jobs?"
In Clubema?
Granny,Thank you for taking time to keep us all inform.
Bottom line, All those Rethugs that are under BHO will stay under BHO
"Bottom line, All those Rethugs that are under BHO will stay under BHO"
???? what????What are you talking about? Rahm left. Axelrod is leaving. The Repubs and Tea Party just won an election. Obama is a lameduck President with little power.
The Repubs are going to run over him!
Anonymous, if you think we are going to sit back and let the republiklans run all over President Obama and the democratically controlled Senate you are sadly mistaken. The republiklans have proven they can't govern. They have zero creditability. They is a civil war going on between the republicans, the tea baggers, the tea party express, the conservatives, Michael Steele, and the dixiecrats. The republicans don't know way is up.
I know one thing, the last time republiklans were in charge of the House, they impeached a President for trying to conceal getting a BJ. The last time republiklans controlled the house they approved a tax cut for the rich and raided the surplus. The last time republiklans controlled the house they sent our troops to Iraq based on dead wrong intelligence. The last time republiklans controlled the house they shipped all the manufactoring jobs overseas. The last time the republiklans controlled the house the deificit soared to an all time high. The last time the republklans controlled the house we had record mortgage forcloures. The last time the republiklans controlled the house we had to bail out the banks and the auto industry.
I can't wait to see what the republicans are going to do for an encore. I know one thing it won't be and that's running over President Obama and the Senate, that's fer sure. I wouldn't be so sure of them running over the most liberal/progressive house minority in a couple of decades either. If the republiklan majority could obstruct President Obama, I'm sure the democratic minority, lead by Superwoman, Nancy Pelosi assisted by Steney Hoyer and James Clyburn can obstruct the tea baggers and keep them from driving the country into the ditch again.
Redeye, "Anonymous, if you think we are going to sit back and let the republiklans run all over President Obama and the democratically controlled Senate you are sadly mistaken. The republiklans have proven they can't govern. They have zero creditability. They is a civil war going on between the republicans, the tea baggers, the tea party express, the conservatives, Michael Steele, and the dixiecrats. The republicans don't know way is up."
Who is "we" that will stop the Republicans? and why didn't "we" stop them from being elected at the polls. If you mean "we" to be Blacks...that's a joke. "We" have been nothing but mouth. Heck, "we" don't even vote. Obama was counting on "we" at the polls, and "we" didn't even show up because most of "we" don't see the point of voting.
Btw, the Dems have proven they can't govern either. That's WHY the American people voted them out of the House.
Anonymous 2:00:
How much koolaid do you consume in a day? I'm just asking.
Who is we you ask? WE is the majority of the American people who got out and voted for President Obama and Vice President Biden. That's who we IS. And the democrats weren't vote out because they can't govern, they were voted out because the gop, media infused Tea Party obstructed the demos from governing....Never more...
Granny, "Anonymous 2:00:
How much koolaid do you consume in a day? I'm just asking."
Granny, I don't drink kool-aid. That is an Obama drink for blind folks like you and Redeye. I am one of the MANY well-off BLACK Republicans. You poor Obamaholic Blacks will never be as well-off like us. That's because your views and perceptions are waaaay off.
Better consider joining the GOP/Tea Party. We are going places while you weak black liberal dems have reached a dead end.
Why do you, a Chrisian declare Sen. Rand Paul as an enemy? How can you possibly call yourself a child of God and call Rand Paul an enemy?
Rand Paul is not an enemy of the black community. He is an honest Senator who tells the truth and cares deeply about his country.
Rand Paul I say Rand Paul is an enemy of the black community; in fact, unless you're rich(the top 1-5%) income group, he is your enemy. Rand Paul is a confused individual who was elected to congress by many many confused indivudals. GOD Help us.
Has anybody seen Granny?
Leave Granny alone; if you don't, the devil will get you.
Anonymous you sure do have a lot to say. I might have to start moderating comments or do invites only.
Granny, "Anonymous you sure do have a lot to say. I might have to start moderating comments or do invites only."
What has any one of these anons said that was so bad? Heck, most of them were in your corner.
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