I think I'll take a break and let the Jobs Plan speak for itself.
Open Thread | So, This Happened Yesterday
Before we get into what happened yesterday, I just want to comment on this
tweet: chris evans (@notcapnamerica) posted at 11:18 PM on Mon, Jan 20,
2025: Th...
13 hours ago
Granny, here's a "job plan" I can believe in, one that will create million of jobs: fire all Republicans.
Fire all Republicans? My God is that what you Libs have turned out to be? What about your own party? They are no better.
@Anonnie: "My God is that what you Libs have turned out to be?"
Were it not for Republicans obstructing the president's job plan, this nation would be on a trajectory toward a vibrant economic recovery.
As you know, or should know, the president's plan is a plan designed to repair our crumbling infrastructure, a plan we sorely need if we're to remain competitive with emerging nations and markets around the world, and put millions of Americans back to work here at home, including out-of-work construction workers, rather than employ millions of foreign workers abroad, with one outsourcing scheme or another.
This is what Republicans have "turned out to be"--a party more interested in denying President Obama a second term, using whatever tactics they can devise, voter suppression tactics, and job suppression tactics, than doing the right thing by this country.
I say: Fire them all!
"What about your own party? They are no better."
Interesting admission. Are you saying that your beloved Republican party is on a par with the hated Democratic party?
At least the Democrats have a job plan, and not a pretend job plan that would ultimate in doing away with the EPA, and, by extension, clean air and water, and providing more tax cuts for the uber-rich, and more ill-gotten gain for corporate polluters.
I say: Fire them all! before they have a chance to infect another generation with their self-centered, ego-driven philosophy.
Brother BD said, "As you know, or should know, the president's plan is a plan designed to repair our crumbling infrastructure, a plan we sorely need if we're to remain competitive with emerging nations and markets around the world, and put millions of Americans back to work here at home, including out-of-work construction workers, rather than employ millions of foreign workers abroad, with one outsourcing scheme or another."
Yeah, right. Is it a similar plan to the $800 billion he spent to get our economy going three years ago?
People are done with Obama's schemes to reinvigorate the economy. They don't work and you should know that by now. Isn't that why he doesn't have a chance in hell to be President again? Isn't it true that the American people are fed up with Obama and don't trust him? Surely you know that?
@Anonnie: "People are done with Obama's schemes to reinvigorate the economy. They don't work and you should know that by now."
What I know is this: You want to see Obama and your country fail, but that kind of thinking's not patriotic, it's suicidal.
I hate to burst your Republican bubble, but the stimulus worked, allowing the country to avoid a depression bullet, "locked and loaded" by George Bush and Republicans, and you're having a hard time dealing with that.
When you can love your country more than your failed politics, perhaps you'll come to your senses, and see what you've become: an apologist for a self-centered, ego-driven political philosophy known as Republicanism.
Thanks for reprinting government propaganda, Granny! I'm sure that our rulers really appreciate you helping to spread their misinformation.
The truth is that there have been 16 jobs bills passed by the Republican House so far that have been shelved by Harry Reid:
•"The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act" (H.R.872)
•"The Energy Tax Prevention Act" (H.S.910)
•"The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act" (H.R.2018 )
•"Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act" (H.R.1315)
•"Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act" (H.R.2587)
•"Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation" (H.R.2401)
•"Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act" (H.R.2681)
•"EPA Regulatory Relief Act" (H.S.2250)
•"Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act" (H.R.2273)
•"Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act" (H.S.1230)
•"Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act" (H.R.1229)
•"Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R.1231)
•"The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011" (H.R.2021)
•"North American-Made Energy Security Act" (H.R.1938 )
•"Disapproval of FCC's Net Neutrality Regulations" (H.J.Res.37)
•"3% Withholding Tax Repeal" (H.R.674)
Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats.
Preach it, Bill! This ought to shut BD up for good.
@BJ "Instead of blaming Republicans, Obama needs to harass his Democrat-controlled Senate to pass at least some of the 16 jobs bills which the House Republicans have sent over to the Senate and which are being blocked for partisan reasons by the Democrats."
BD is still talking, trying to talk sense to nonsense.
Do you know how many House bills were inboxed in the Senate, when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House, because Senate Democrats, led by Harry Reid, weren't able to defeat Republican-led filibusters in the Senate?
I didn't think so!
It's a number larger than what you have cited, and many of them were bills designed to create jobs, too.
Putting that aside. This country in the coming years is going to have to make some critical decisions.
Does it want a life or a living?
If it's all about making a living instead of maintaining a quality of life, then the people of this country will champion turning some of these bills into Acts, and endure the pollution of their air, water, rivers, gulfs, oceans, and the ensuing destruction of wildlife, and sea life, and the poisoning of both the land, and sea.
@ BD
Is sitting in dismal government housing, eating government cheese, and waiitng for $179 EBT card a "life"?
Freedom is what makes life worth living.
Keep the rhetoric about destroying the planet for your Sunday sermons to the choir. The US is among the cleanest places on the planet, and is so because our prosperity lets us afford it.
Those 16 Republican bills are a start at restoring our economic freedom by removing some of the chains holding us back.
As Winston Churchill wisely said,
“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.”
Maybe that’s why Obama threw the White House bust of Churchill back in Britain’s face.
Imagine that despite spending his entire life surrounded by ultra-left radicals sworn to the destruction of our country, Obama is not crippling the economy on purpose by wastefully spending us into a position where we’ll have to tax ourselves to death, but actually means to do well. Imagine just how profoundly stupid he would have to be.
He is not that stupid. We are, for electing him.
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