Alrighty, GOP party I think the people are starting to get the message. Your party wants the middleclass and poor people to pay more taxes, so you can give fat refund checks to billionaire and millionaires to supplement their fat bonus checks. Because when you get right down to it, and cut through the chase, that is exactly what your party is asking and campaigning for daily.
Rick Perry wants to give billionaires and millionaires a $500,000 tax break. Herman Cain has a 999 plan that helps the rich too and makes the middleclass and poor pay more. In fact, all of the GOP candidates as well as those who are already serving has been on one accord with giving the billionaires and millionaires more money, while squeezing the blood out of the average Joe and Jill.
In addition, the GOP wants to cut funding for schools, so that more dummies like them are churned out. You want to privatize grandma and grandpa's check, so that investors can get their grubby little hands on it and invest in deals that there's no guarantee are stable in profits and a steady flow of money. Sorta like how the people lost a lot of money on their 401K. In other words, risk your retirement fund playing something similar to Russian Roulette.
On your list of things of wants is deregulate more, so that people will die sooner from pollution in the air and contaminated water. Drill more, so that accidents like the gulf coast can kill our marine life.
There is one thing, I'm curious about. If the GOP cuts 1.2 trillion worth of programs, what will our taxes be used for? I pray that it is not Congress salary. In fact, cutting the Congress retirement pensions would really trim the budget. In fact, a big fat pay cut as well wouldn't hurt either along with some cuts to their medical benefits. They should contribute more money into their medical plan too. Eliminate those long paid vacations they seem to take too many of as well. The Congress needs to share in the pain for once instead of bypassing themselves. Everytime they take time off to close for months at a time, it should be leave without pay.
The Occupy Wall Streets Folks should be gathering up signatures to put that on the next election ballots in every single state. Not only that, signatures to end lobbying and to make it against the law for CEO's to receive big fat bonus checks and put a cap on those bonuses by knocking off a few of those zeroes. Don't leave out making it against the law to outsource jobs and still get tax credits.
Weekend Open Thread
Good Morning. I hope that you are enjoying this weekend, fully vaccinated
and boosted, with family and friends. That new booster shot has been
approved and...
8 hours ago
@Granny: "In fact, all of the GOP candidates as well as those who are already serving has been on one accord with giving the billionaires and millionaires more money, while squeezing the blood out of the average Joe and Jill."
Granny, Republicans accuse Democrats of buying votes, passing one give away program after the other.
Republicans, on the other hand, cater to the rich and receive hefty campaign donations from their benefactors.
It's been show that it's money that win elections, perhaps as much as 94% of the time.
"I pray that it is not Congress salary. In fact, cutting the Congress retirement pensions would really trim the budget. In fact, a big fat pay cut as well wouldn't hurt either along with some cuts to their medical benefits."
Tea Party members of congress raised the total wealth of congressional representatives 25%, for a combined total of around 2.04 billion dollars.
With wealth like that--as the nation struggles with a recession-like economy, and the government deeply in debt--you'd think congress would want to pay more for their own perks, or eliminate them altogether, and forgo their $174,000 salaries.
Fat chance of that though: Cuts all around, but not for our nation's leaders, who should be leading by example.
We all know: They can afford it.
Diaspora, I think people ought to get a petition going to end their little perks and make them take a salary and benefit cut. They need to share in the pain.
@Granny: "They [congress] need to share in the pain."
I agree: Especially since congress helped inflict the pain.
@Diaspora: "I agree: Especially since congress helped inflict the pain"
Amen, and Bush, Cheney, and MSM cheerleaders need to share in it too.
Black Diaspora said...
Republicans, on the other hand, cater to the rich and receive hefty campaign donations from their benefactors.
Actually, democrats get much more money from the super rich than republicans.
Obama's career has been primarily financed by a handful of billionaires.
The democrats have become an alliance of the top and the bottom against the middle.
The republicans still give too much to the rich, but they are more in tune with the concerns of the middle class than the democrats.
Tora Hake said...
Black Diaspora said..
A reasoned response from me would be superfluous: I can't make you look more foolish than you've already made yourself.
Look again BD, you are staring in the mirror.
George Soros, Peter Lewis, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, John Doerr, Julian Robertson, Nicolas Berggruen, Paul Allen, Jeffrey Immelt and Robert Eckert are just a few of the billionaires who support Obama.
Tora Hake said...
"Look again BD, you are staring in the mirror."
I'll call your billionaires and raise you the following Republican moneybags:
"Koch Industries owner Charles Koch — who, along with brother David, has quietly spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the years building a right-wing network of businessmen, think tank scholars, and political operatives — inviting hedge fund managers and industry captains and whomever else to his biannual "retreat."
"The participants included some of the nation's wealthiest families and biggest names in finance: private equity and hedge fund executives like John Childs, Cliff Asness, Steve Schwarzman and Ken Griffin; Phil Anschutz, the entertainment and media mogul ranked by Forbes as the 34th-richest person in the country; Rich DeVos, the co-founder of Amway; Steve Bechtel of the giant construction firm; and Kenneth Langone of Home Depot."
The truth is that the Democrats receive more money than the Republicans and that more of the money donted to Democrats comes form the richest of the rich.
Why would that be BD?
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