Yup! I said it. I know that doesn't sound very encouraging for people of color. However, mainstream America does not want anyone nonwhite up in the "White House"...especially if your black.
After the first black president was elected in 2009, Americans exhibited what must have been a false jubilance. Americans were so proud and excited that they had elected a black man for President of the United States of America.The night it was announced that Barack Obama won the elections, every group of people was represented and they were unified in victory. The air was filled with electricity and all spirits seemed lifted. It was something that no person of color thought they would ever see come to past.
Barack Obama wasn't the average American black man descended from a slave. He was biracials with a white American mother and a pure African father from Kenya. A man with impeccable character and impressive accomplishments and just to name a few he was: Harvard graduate with honors, an inspiring orator, editor of the Harvard Law Review, a law professor, and civil rights attorney. President Obama married a Michelle Obama who also was an accomplished black woman. The President and First Lady raised two beautiful and well-mannered girls. They were regarded as the idea family. He has kept quite a few of his promises and is working on other ones.
America had all of a sudden become "post-racial" and all the history of the ill-will of the past towards black people had suddenly been erased. Racism had finally ended at least that is what white folks were claiming as their victory for electing a black man. But then, the enemies begin to show their fangs and bit into the minds of Americans injecting their venom in strong doses.
First, jubilance and unity died. The coroner's report for them read too weak to survive the poison. Second, support and enthusiasm died from the President trying to make health care available to everyone. Third, the conspiracy virus,quack media smear influenza , and attempted assassinations and threat bug struck at the same time. Fourth, next was the racism plague. Fifth, adverse side affects within his own party begin to take affect. Six, hope and change were put on life support. Finally, the media pundit specialists, anxious to pull the plug, were called in to give their diagnosis.
Americans sat out in the waiting room. Some wanted the media specialist to pull the plug. Others said there might still be a chance that hope and change could pull through and recover. The crabs in the barrel, Teabaggers, those nostalgia, anti-civil rights folks, Fox We Make Up Lies followers were shouting pull the plug...pull the plug. While those with still a glimmer of hope were being drowned out by all the shouts from the pull the plug crowd.
That's how they treat people of color who run for President.
Open Thread | These Are the Republican Budget Priorities
CR. What someone wrote their elected representatives: Dear Senator
McSenatorFace, ...
1 day ago
Great title, and so true if you are thin skinned. Obama got elected because of the perfect "political storm", which left no one but the black man as 'hope' for America. Unfortunately, things are not looking very hopeful.
GrannyStandingforTruth you sure do bring your "A Game". I enjoy reading your blog.
Great Post!
I love it. You just speak on it!
Granny, they're doing everything they can to make Obama sorry for his audacity to think he could run for president, and win.
It addition, as you suggest, it's a warning to any other person of color.
Here's something interesting: I believe Colin Powell would have fared better. He would have been the Repub's darling (See black America, we Repubs ran and elected a black man!), and Powell wouldn't have been treated as cavalierly by the Dems.
There wouldn't have been a corresponding Dem's Tea Party, or Birthers questioning his citizenship, nor Hitler signs, and Joker signs, and the racist signs that now litter the political landscape.
Although we blacks may not have liked some of Powell's Republican policies, we would have remained respectful, and, in addition, Powell would have swung many black Dem votes his way, because of his respected stature, experience and leadership ability.
Let's face it: Repubs have no class, and very little respect for their fellowman, and for anyone outside their party.
I say again: I refuse to fall out of favor with President Obama, or criticize him too harshly, unless his malfeasance in office rises to that of G.W. Bush.
Fantastic post Granny!
This may sound crazy to some, but there are days I hope President Obama decides not to run in 2012 for several reasons. (1) His Safety, (2) A revolution will definitely happen, and (3) Let the people who hate that a black Democrat is in office have their white Republican president back, because it was a white Republican that put this country in the shape it is in now. Then maybe, they will realize President Obama was never the problem and they were fools to listen to the rhetoric of Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, and FAUX NEWS.
BD, your comment also hit the nail on the head.
I say again: I refuse to fall out of favor with President Obama, or criticize him too harshly, unless his malfeasance in office rises to that of G.W. Bush.
Ditto BD
Yesterday I had lunch with the Chief of Police who happens to be white. After the conclusion of why we had a lunch meeting. He for the first time wanted to talk about our President with me. To sum it up, his opinion of our President was the same as the email I forward to you and Granny, (the one where I was chastising the Mayor for giving his unsolicited ignorant opinion of our President). I responded to the Chief the same way I did in reply email to the Mayor.
After letting him know what I thought about his opinion of our President, he ask, "Why are there more blacks in the Democrat Party than the Republican Party, had Colin Powell ran for President he would have won, I don't believe Obama is an American citizen?" I could not help but laugh at him and say "WOW...you are a Birther, why should I waste my time and answer your question when you are I am sure a devote FAUX NEWS viewer, a Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin fan. Regardless, to how I answer your question your opinion will not change. However, as long as your opinions and believes does not affect how you perform your job locally, we will continue to co-exist in this community peacefully. "
If whe stand for nothing we will fall for anything.
Are we to just let someone think they can be comfortable to give us their opinions and we say nothing? His deep apple red face was priceless :-)
This is Word!
However, I want to say this. We have been watching and taking note of their madness. But, we cannot let Barack hang without having his back.
There are still too many Black people who think that the government is their provider. We have to get a for real agenda that isn't drawn up by the usual Black leaders and begin to push it nationwide.
We spend too much time trying to make those who do not care for us-care for us. They are really fearful and they are trying to hold on against reality. They are about to become the minority population in these United States. We need to start acting like we are not afraid to stand up and lead ourselves out of this current wasteland of negativty.
"We have to get a for real agenda that isn't drawn up by the usual Black leaders and begin to push it nationwide."
I've been thinking along those same lines. We need to try and set up organizations that are nationwide geared to help our people and ALL of their needs.
As usual, you nailed it, and leave no stone unturned.
Your mayor sounds like one those people in the South who was raised with and taught that "superiority myth" It was embedded and instilled in his mind at an early age. You keep on standing your ground and treat him nice with a long handle spoon. One thing is for sure, he might disagree with you because of his way of thinking, but he'll respect you. And he'll know that he cannot treat you any kind of way and that he will have to treat you with the same human decency, courtesy, and respect that he extends to those of his own people.
blackinAlabama: Hello, good to see you, and I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog. Baby, granny tries to the best of her ability. I just wish I could express myself in words on paper like you young people do. I admire you young people and am very proud of every last one of you. Young people are my heart.
Hello Ms.Justice58, good to see you. How is my precious, topnotch, young lady doing today?
"Great title, and so true if you are thin skinned."
Yeah, but why should people of color always need crocodile skin if they choose to follow their life long dream of becoming the President, while whites only need skin as fragile and delicate as a china dish to follow their dreams in America. Shouldn't it be equal being that this is the land of so-called liberty and justice for ALL?
I for one never believed America was ready for a Black President. I voted for him, and IMO President Obama has accomplished more in 18 months than Bill Clinton did in 8 years. To see white america turn on this president for no reason is really sad. I can understand why Rev Wright Made the statement" GODDAM america".
Anonymous 10:50:
"Oh, it 'should' have been equal a long time ago but it wasn't. And it still isn't. Nope, this is not the land of liberty and justice for all. At least, not yet."
"That's why a person of color has to have very thick skin and 'magic negro' status, if he is to run for President."
Amen! :)
BBCSR53, "To see white america turn on this president for no reason is really sad. I can understand why Rev Wright Made the statement" GODDAM america"."
There is always a reason. I give you one 'guess' what that reason is?
I love reading your writings! You captivate & lock a reader in.
Big Up!
My Dear Friend Granny.
How are you doing?
I still love you and there is nothing that you can do about it.
From what I read between the lines of your article, though, you are a bit disappointed with the present economic conditions 20 months into the Obama presidency and thus you have to reach out for someone else to blame as they did not see your vision of "hope and change".
Let me ask you Granny - on August 28th did you hold an ANTI-WAR protest against the continued killing in Afghanistan by the USA as King would have done against the Commander In Chief that was giving the "shoot to kill" orders?
Thank you Justice58!
Well...well, how are you doing Constructive Feedback? Good to see you again my friend. I almost said that I haven't seen you since Moby Dick was a minnow, but that would have been what they call stretching it a whole lot. :) Anyway, it's good to see you again.
Now, Constructive, did you hold an anti-war protest when Bush decided to go to war in Iraq looking for weapons of mass destruction that did not exist? Or did he go to free the Iraq people? Or did he go, oh heck, Bush changed his reasons for going so much, but we know that he was straight up lying.
President Obama did not start that either one of those wars. They were started by those GOP folks before he even took office. So don't try and blame Obama for it.
[quote]President Obama did not start that either one of those wars. They were started by those GOP folks before he even took office. So don't try and blame Obama for it.[/quote]
Now, now Granny.
You are no doubt a wise one but here you are attempting to pull a fast one one me.
I only asked you if you paid tribute to King by holding an Anti-War Protest against the present Commander In Chief as there is a war that is going on and King was opposed to war.
If we apply your argument - Eisenhower and Kennedy sent advisors to Vietnam in support of the French. LBJ sent in troops.
Since Nixon was just continuing what the previous guy did - there should have NEVER been an anti-Vietnam War protest while Nixon was in office.
One thing I see per my survey of bumper stickers is that most McCain supporters have removed their stickers and most people who had "Obama/Biden Yes We Can" and a "War Is Not The Answer" have scraped off the anti-war sticker and then wrote a "?" at the end of the first sticker.
As a result Sharpie sales have skyrocketed.
"Now, now Granny.
You are no doubt a wise one but here you are attempting to pull a fast one one me."
LOL! Ahhh, you got me this time constructive. I'm guilty. :) Nevertheless, in answer to your question if I went to an anti-war protest. The answer is nope.
Did you remember that when it was seriously discussed about Colin Powell running for president, the same anti-Obama crowd got to work to smear Powell's wife, they even so much implied that McCain has fathered an out of wedlock Black child. They didn't want any moderate or someone whom they considered not conservative enough to run for president and certainly not run a Black person either. You see the kind of backing Alan Keyes got. Even though he is a bit of a nut, he was conservative enough, articulate and had sufficient credentials to back.
@Hator: Powell may be many things, a Republican for convenience, for one, as it allowed him to advance in a military more Republican than Democrat.
Note, I didn't use the terms conservative or liberal as there's only two parties where these supposed political ideologies are welcomed, although the Democrat Party is known for its Bluedog Democrats, feral animals, more stray that domesticated, but, then, I "stray."
As we now know, it's the oligarchs who run the country. They determine with their money, their campaign donations, who's Republican enough to run, and in some instances, who's Democrat enough.
Powell, when asked who he voted for, said Obama. Recently he's asserted what I have long asserted, Republicans are rigging the system, the political process through gerrymandering, and suppressing the votes of blacks and other minorities.
Colin Powell called them on it, stating that the voting franchise shouldn't be thwarted, but should be expanded using all the previous means used before Republicans sought to eliminate them--early voting, same-day registrations, Souls-to-the-polls initiatives, to name a few.
Powell feels, as do I, that Republicans are rigging the process because they can't sell their ideas in the marketplace of ideas, failing miserably when competing with other political ideologies.
@Hator: Powell may be many things, a Republican for convenience, for one, as it allowed him to advance in a military more Republican than Democrat.
Note, I didn't use the terms conservative or liberal as there's only two parties where these supposed political ideologies are welcomed, although the Democrat Party is known for its Bluedog Democrats, feral animals, more stray that domesticated, but, then, I "stray."
As we now know, it's the oligarchs who run the country. They determine with their money, their campaign donations, who's Republican enough to run, and in some instances, who's Democrat enough.
Powell, when asked who he voted for, said Obama. Recently he's asserted what I have long asserted, Republicans are rigging the system, the political process through gerrymandering, and suppressing the votes of blacks and other minorities.
Colin Powell called them on it, stating that the voting franchise shouldn't be thwarted, but should be expanded using all the previous means used before Republicans sought to eliminate them--early voting, same-day registrations, Souls-to-the-polls initiatives, to name a few.
Powell feels, as do I, that Republicans are rigging the process because they can't sell their ideas in the marketplace of ideas, failing miserably when competing with other political ideologies.
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