Well the elections are over and America has been sold to the highest bidder. I'd like to congratulate the Koch brothers, GOP, the brought and paid for MSM political pundents, and the TeaNuts on their victory. The majority of American people have spoken. They loved the policies of Bush and tax cuts for the rich and the feudal system. The GOP and TeaNuts want that *nigger* out of the "sacred WHITE House" and they've said it loud and clear with their votes. They've taken back their country so now do they want all of those of us they hate so much to leave their country?
When President Obama won the Presidential elections, Americans claimed that we had reached a post-racial America. President Obama won that election fair and square even though the other sides cheated left and right. His background was too squeaky clean so they tried to smear him. That didn't work. They invaded his church and smeared his pastor, disrupted their worship hour at his church, made a mockery of his faith. That didn't work. The number of electoral votes needed kept changing all throughout the election. That didn't work. So, next was the smears labeling the President weak and he doesn't want to help his own people. He's racist towards whites, a nazi, etc., etc. etc...
Okay, now that the Republicans control the house let's see exactly what they plan to do. Will they be instrumental in helping companies to ship jobs overseas, more deregulations, privatizing Social Security, eliminating education, lowering student grants, and all the other little goodies that they want to do so much to screw the American people? Yeah, the Republicans are in the house and Nancy Pelosi the first female speaker has been demoted, degraded, smeared and kicked to the curb.
Palin and Bachmann are held up now as the type of women they want in leadership. So, if there are any other women with deficiencies in the brain department and have bigoted perspectives...please go ahead and apply. America loves dummies, liars, bigots, and snarky women and despises women with class and intelligence.
Granny plans sit it out in complete silence from here on out as far as politics go. The people have spoken and they will be getting what their choices deserve. There is no such thing as the United States of America. That is a myth! We have never been United and from the looks of it, we never will be. Thank God I live in United California.
Open Thread | Abortion Update – Conservatives Are Coming for Prenatal Tests
Conservatives Are Coming for Prenatal Tests 2.28.25 Jessica Valenti Mar 1
Conservatives’ Next Target: Prenatal Tests Back in 2023, I wrote an
1 day ago
I must admit, California with its' unique diverse ethnic population were able to win the Democratic Governors race ( despite over personal 150 M$ spent by Whitman) and the Senate victory. Also Nevada and Colorado; I think you are righton with analysis.
"Granny plans sit it out in complete silence from here on out as far as politics go. The people have spoken and they will be getting what their choices deserve. There is no such thing as the United States of America. That is a myth! We have never been United and from the looks of it, we never will be. Thank God I live in United California."
You sound very depressed. Is it because Obama got his butt handed to him? Is it because the Dems proved to be a failure?
You might as well go silent because you have been quite wrong in your politics since Obama got in the WH and then threw your folks under the bus.
Welcome back to REALITY. God has spoken.
Anonymous 6:43:
In no way am I depressed...far from it. Like I said, I live in United California.
The Democrats are not failures either by any means and they got more done and passed in the last two years than all 43 Presidents and Congress in history ever did.
President Obama did not throw us under the bus. He tried to be a President to ALL of the people...the average Americans. I realize that is the way the other 43 President rolled, so naturally you would expect him to roll that way too. However, he has tried to be fair and no matter what or how you try you cannot take that away from him.
I live in reality every single day that I wake up. BTW, God has NOT spoken either and you need to quite lying on God.
BTW, the GOP did not have a Tsunami in this election because they did not win the Senate. They really didn't win the battle when you look at it, they brought and paid for those seats through lies and deception and presented to the world more proof that America is a country full of bigots and mentally unbalanced people and rich folks full of greed.
"They really didn't win the battle when you look at it, they brought and paid for those seats through lies and deception and presented to the world more proof that America is a country full of bigots and mentally unbalanced people and rich folks full of greed."
Oh Granny, now why must you accuse them of lying and being deceptive? They won those seats fair and square. BTW, CA needs a change. The East Bay is one of the most racist areas in the country. Are the cops still shooting Blacks in the back and going free?
Your story about Obama sure is depressing. Are you sure you aren't depressed? maybe you don't know you have PTSD.
Anonymous 8:10:
In spite of what your wishful thinking I am a very blessed woman mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually.
BTW, CA needs a change. The East Bay is one of the most racist areas in the country. Are the cops still shooting Blacks in the back and going free?
CA is not perfect; but they got the Senate and Governor election right. The GOP by getting the House has really hurt their cause; they can no longer just say NO, they must come up with solutions. The may have painted themself in a corner; time will tell.
Anonymous 8:02:
"CA is not perfect; but they got the Senate and Governor election right."
What the GOP wants to do is limit unemployment to only those with college degrees. Does that sound familiar? It is the old Social Security Act of New Deal, which would exclude minorities from it, because the majority of whites are the ones with the college degrees. They want to take back the unspent stimulus bill, which would kill two birds with one stone and kill and slow down the progress of the stimulus and would prevent it from completing what the purpose of it was for. Those GOP folks that want to take it back they themselves had applied for it, but if they get their way, they'll claim that they've spent theirs.
The GOP won the house because the President's base did not show up. Why? One reason they did not show up was because of the "beer summit" at the White House. Another reason was because he tried too hard to compromise with the GOP. In addition, our so-called black scholars poisoned the people's mind towards him by saying that he wasn't trying to do anything for blacks, but that is not true. They were too impatient. The black colleges were given more money. He didn't work on the "Don't ask, Don't Tell deal fast enough and the gays were impatient too and didn't understand that he was trying to get made into a stable law to help them. Then there was that immigration reform that made the Hispanics/Latinos think that he wasn't working fast enough in their behalf. His base got too impatient thinking that he was not trying to work in their behalf but he was. He can only do so much at a time. People expected the impossible out of him overnight, but expected less out of prior Presidents.
The House is where the laws are made and can be killed before they reach the Senate. So good luck with the GOP house. Social Security is at risk of being privatized and might have business fees tacked on or worse invested in stocks and at risk to be lost.
I understood why he was trying to get the health reform done first, it was to save lives and life is precious.
Nevertheless, the GOP can no longer say no, but they are gonna hold up the Dem losses as a sign that the people were in agreement with them and not the President, which is not true. All those that voted for them will find out that they do not have their interest at heart. A zebra does not change its stripes. Like you said time will tell. I just pray that they do not cause more poverty than they already have done in the last eight years.
I am really hoping that San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris becomes the first woman and the first African-American to become California’s state attorney general;that would really be the trifecta.
So far, she is winning. Republican strongholds like Orange County, San Diego counties, and rural areas, which is mostly Southern California, she did not do as well, but the majority of Northern California is Democratic. What is odd and shocking to me is in the county that I live in even those that fly the confederate flags are Democrats. Many of them have democrat signs in their yard.
Granny, there's a reckoning coming. When people knowingly operate outside their own self interest, anything is possible.
Many of those that voted Republican and Tea Party were white males over the age of fifty. If Social Security is privatized or abolished, this group may regret their decision to vote as they did, when a failing market cut heavily into the money they've come to rely on, or the money that used to be there as a safety net has dried up.
Talk about cutting off your nose to get to the black guy in the White House?
This is just one instance: I have many more where people voted against their self interest.
Here's something interesting, and it's not far off in the future: Early next year this nation's debt ceiling will have to be raised or this nation defaults on its debts.
Tea Party partisans ran on reducing the federal budget. What will they do then, now that the Republican establishment want to add $700 billions dollars more to the deficit by extending Bush's tax cuts for this nation wealthiest Americans?
We will soon see just how principled they really are.
Already Rand Paul is showing support for extending the tax cuts. It doesn't matter that it will increase our debt.
Here's what I think. They'll try to cut Social Security and Medicare in a bid to give more money to those who don't need it ( in short, seniors will pay for their tax cut).
Reports say that the rich plan to send their tax-cut money out of the country.
So there: It won't even go to hire anyone, start a new business, or in any other way invest in America, or in our recovery.
We're in a era of: Stupid is as stupid does.
There's so much "stupid" around these days, I'm thinking about franchising it, and profiting from it, in the good ol' American way of free enterprise.
The fun is just beginning!
BD, "This is just one instance: I have many more where people voted against their self interest."
Yeah, Blacks vote or DON'T vote against their interests all the time. You are right. there is a lot of stupidity around America and Blacks have MORE than their fair share of it.
Do you ever smile?
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