Back in the 70s women used to call them male chauvenist. I am sure they will have plenty of names for those folks in the House on the GOP side when word gets around to those feminist groups that rape does not mean rape. least rape won't mean rape if the House has its way and gets to redefine it.
"Rape is only really rape if it involves force. So says the new House Republican majority as it now moves to change abortion law."~~Nick Baumann, MotherJones~~
"Other types of rapes that would no longer be covered by the exemption include rapes in which the woman was drugged or given excessive amounts of alcohol, rapes of women with limited mental capacity, and many date rapes. "There are a lot of aspects of rape that are not included," Levenson says."~~Nick Baumann, MotherJones~~
I guess the GOP party has never heard that saying "Hell has no fury like that of a woman," but in this case instead of woman, it'll be women. I forgot...the GOP thinks that women should be seen and not heard and act robotish like the Stepford Wives. But Michelle Bachmann is not going out because she is out of control and making the GOP party look like whimps. Although well...she does seem to have some major mental problems and one of the reasons why I would advise folks to pass through Minnesota as quickly as possible and do not stop because she reflects the mindset of the people who keep voting her in office...crazier than a road lizard.
Wait a minute, dead birds, dead fish, and now dead cows. Oh well, you can relax folks because sweet potatoes are to blame for 200 cows death. least that is what their telling us. But then again, they told us that the birds were falling out of the air and dying because of firecrackers, cold weather, Diesel trucks, and a few other ridiculous causes that did not add up. People were coming down with colds, runny noses, and stomach viruses that they couldn't get rid of around the same time the birds were dropping dead out of the sky. Okie dokie...alrighty then! I think I'll go and purchase a few surgical face mask.
Glen Beck needs to do an early retirement thingee. He seems to have a penchant for pissing folks off. Dope and alcohol do not mix and together they intensify the effects. That's two different chemicals! Folks who were long habitual users like Beck act stupid like he does. Therefore, common sense would tell a person that it takes longer for the body to detox because mixing those two together would have a more extreme, longer lasting effect like say....for years to come. Some folks should have taken chemistry classes serious in school. Smh!
Gosh golly wow! I wonder how these three governors have came up with the idea to cut medicaid. Wow! I bet that took a lot of strenous brain activity. It's like the big guy picking on the little guy. But folks face it, that is what government is all about picking on the poor and downtrodden while bending over backwards for the rich. Don't you just love their tiny-minded ideas.
Open Thread | The Attack on NIH is Being Underreported
From Josh Marshall: NIH and Its Agencies Are Being Smothered February 14,
2025 11:36 a.m. In recent days I have been inundated by reports out of HHS
and pa...
2 days ago